At A Glance

Name: Vehva "Vivi" Lheylu
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
Hair Color: Blue-black with frosty blue highlights
Eye Color: Sky blue
Skin Color: Blue-gray
Orientation: Pan/demi
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5'0" in / 152 cm
Build: Plump/chubby/full
Demeanor: Playful and friendly, always willing to listen to others tell a story or vent about their day.

Vehva Lheylu

OOC & Hooks

(( OOC: Player is 30+. I only rp with 21+ due to the themes that surround this character.
I'm an adult and as such I enjoy writing adult themes. This can include violence, sexual themes, drugs/alcohol, etc.
The things/themes I write do not reflect the type of person I am or the values I hold.))
HOOKS✧ tbd

Vehva Lheylu

Vehva Lheylu


In-game name: Vehva Lheylu on Balmung
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Vehva Lheylu